Associations to the word «Implantation»


IMPLANTATION, noun. (anatomy) The way in which an organ, bone, muscle etc. becomes inserted into its set place.
IMPLANTATION, noun. Planting; securing a plant etc. into the ground.
IMPLANTATION, noun. The introduction of a notion, idea or thought into someone's mind.
IMPLANTATION, noun. (surgery) The act of inserting a medical implant.
IMPLANTATION, noun. (embryology) The attachment of the fertilized ovum to the uterus wall.
IMPLANTATION, noun. (physics) The insertion of ions into the crystal structure of another material through ion bombardment.
IMPLANTATION BLEEDING, noun. Light bleeding from the vagina caused when a fertilized ovum attaches to the wall of the uterus.

Dictionary definition

IMPLANTATION, noun. (embryology) the organic process whereby a fertilized egg becomes implanted in the lining of the uterus of placental mammals.
IMPLANTATION, noun. The act of planting or setting in the ground.
IMPLANTATION, noun. A surgical procedure that places something in the human body; "the implantation of radioactive pellets in the prostate gland".

Wise words

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.