Associations to the word «Wake»


WAKE, verb. (intransitive) (often followed by up) To stop sleeping.
WAKE, verb. (transitive) (often followed by up) To make somebody stop sleeping; to rouse from sleep.
WAKE, verb. (transitive) (figurative) To put in motion or action; to arouse; to excite.
WAKE, verb. (intransitive) (figurative) To be excited or roused up; to be stirred up from a dormant, torpid, or inactive state; to be active.
WAKE, verb. To lay out a body prior to burial in order to allow family and friends to pay their last respects.
WAKE, verb. To watch, or sit up with, at night, as a dead body.
WAKE, verb. To be or remain awake; not to sleep.
WAKE, verb. (obsolete) To be alert; to keep watch
WAKE, verb. (obsolete) To sit up late for festive purposes; to hold a night revel.
WAKE, noun. (obsolete) (poetic) The act of waking, or state of being awake.
WAKE, noun. The state of forbearing sleep, especially for solemn or festive purposes; a vigil.
WAKE, noun. A period after a person's death before the body is buried, in some cultures accompanied by a party.
WAKE, noun. (historical) (Church of England) An annual parish festival formerly held in commemoration of the dedication of a church. Originally, prayers were said on the evening preceding, and hymns were sung during the night, in the church; subsequently, these vigils were discontinued, and the day itself, often with succeeding days, was occupied in rural pastimes and exercises, attended by eating and drinking.
WAKE, noun. The path left behind a ship on the surface of the water.
WAKE, noun. The turbulent air left behind a flying aircraft.
WAKE, noun. (figuratively) The area behind something, typically a rapidly moving object.
WAKE, noun. A number of vultures assembled together.
WAKE, proper noun. A surname​.
WAKE, proper noun. An island in Micronesia, administered by the Office of Insular Affairs of the United States Department of the Interior and used solely by the United States Air Force.
WAKE FLOW, noun. The turbulent flow, with many eddies, downstream of a blunt body
WAKE ISLANDER, noun. Someone from Wake Island.
WAKE ISLANDERS, noun. Plural of Wake Islander
WAKE UP, verb. (intransitive) To awake.
WAKE UP, verb. (transitive) To awaken somebody.
WAKE UP, verb. (intransitive) To become more aware of a real-life situation; to concentrate on the matter in hand.
WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, verb. (idiomatic) To face reality and stop deluding oneself.
WAKE UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF BED, verb. (idiomatic) To feel grumpy, irritable; to be easily annoyed.

Dictionary definition

WAKE, noun. The consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event); "the aftermath of war"; "in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured".
WAKE, noun. An island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii.
WAKE, noun. The wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward; "the motorboat's wake capsized the canoe".
WAKE, noun. A vigil held over a corpse the night before burial; "there's no weeping at an Irish wake".
WAKE, verb. Be awake, be alert, be there.
WAKE, verb. Stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock".
WAKE, verb. Arouse or excite feelings and passions; "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"; "The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world"; "Wake old feelings of hatred".
WAKE, verb. Make aware of; "His words woke us to terrible facts of the situation".
WAKE, verb. Cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM.".

Wise words

Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the truants in custody and bring them back to their right senses.
William Butler Yeats