Associations to the word «Dogs»


DOG, acronym. Digital on-screen graphic
DOG, acronym. Digitally Originated Graphic
DOG, noun. A mammal, Canis lupus familiaris, that has been domesticated for thousands of years, of highly variable appearance due to human breeding.
DOG, noun. A male dog, wolf or fox, as opposed to a bitch (often attributive).
DOG, noun. (derogatory) A dull, unattractive girl or woman.
DOG, noun. (slang) A man (derived from definition 2).
DOG, noun. (slang) (derogatory) A coward.
DOG, noun. (derogatory) Someone who is morally reprehensible.
DOG, noun. Any of various mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or fastening something, particularly with a tooth-like projection.
DOG, noun. (Can we clean up([1]) this sense?) A click or pallet adapted to engage the teeth of a ratchet-wheel, to restrain the back action; a click or pawl. (See also: ratchet, windlass)
DOG, noun. A metal support for logs in a fireplace.
DOG, noun. A hot dog.
DOG, noun. (poker slang) Underdog
DOG, noun. (slang) (almost always in the plural) feet.
DOG, verb. (transitive) To pursue with the intent to catch.
DOG, verb. (transitive) To follow in an annoying way, to constantly be affected by.
DOG, verb. (transitive) (nautical) To fasten a hatch securely.
DOG, verb. (intransitive) (emerging usage in British) To watch, or participate, in sexual activity in a public place.
DOG, verb. (intransitive) (transitive) To intentionally restrict one's productivity as employee; to work at the slowest rate that goes unpunished.
DOG, verb. (Can we verify([1]) this sense?) (intransitive) (with up) To position oneself on all fours, after the manner of a dog.
DOG AND BONE, noun. (Cockney rhyming slang) A telephone.
DOG AND BONES, noun. Plural of dog and bone
DOG AND CAT, noun. (idiomatic) A team comprised of one male and one female, who are either working as associates or where one is the second in command to the other.
DOG AND PONY SHOW, noun. Originally, a small, traveling circus featuring animals as entertainment.
DOG AND PONY SHOW, noun. (idiomatic) Any presentation or display that is overly contrived or intricate.
DOG AND PONY SHOWS, noun. Plural of dog and pony show
DOG AROUND, verb. (idiomatic) (transitive) To follow diligently.
DOG BAG, noun. (dog sledding) A bag designed to carry a sick or injured dog.
DOG BISCUIT, noun. Food for dogs, compressed into a small dry shape.
DOG BISCUITS, noun. Plural of dog biscuit
DOG BONE, noun. A bone that is given to a dog to chew on and play with, similar to a dog biscuit. They can be real bones, or they can be made of other materials like plastic or leather.
DOG BONE, noun. A 2- or 3-dimensional compound shape, evocative of a dog biscuit or dog-bone toy with a central shaft and two lobes (analogous to femoral condyles) at each end.
DOG BONE SPANNER, noun. (UK) A traditional double ended bicycle spanner with a selection of usually 10 sizes—five on each end—arranged in a ball form.
DOG BONE WRENCH, noun. (US) A traditional double ended bicycle wrench with a selection of usually 10 sizes—five on each end—arranged in a ball form.
DOG BONES, noun. Plural of dog bone
DOG COLLAR, noun. A collar for a dog
DOG COLLAR, noun. (informal) a clerical collar
DOG COLLAR, noun. A close-fitting woman's necklace; a choker
DOG COLLARS, noun. Plural of dog collar
DOG DAY, noun. A day in late summer.
DOG DAYS, noun. The days between early July and early September when Sirius (the Dog Star) rises and sets with the Sun.
DOG DAYS, noun. Hot, lazy days.
DOG DAYS, noun. A period of inactivity, laziness, or stagnation.
DOG DIRT, noun. (slang) dog excrement
DOG DOOR, noun. A doggie door.
DOG EAR, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see dog,‎ ear.
DOG EAR, noun. Folded down corner of a page in a book, acting as a bookmark
DOG EARED, adjective. Alternative spelling of dog-eared
DOG EAT DOG, adjective. (idiomatic) Ruthlessly acquisitive or competitive. Describes a business or other set of circumstances where people try to succeed at the expense of other people.
DOG FIGHT, noun. Alternative spelling of dogfight
DOG FOOD, noun. Food eaten by or appropriate for dogs in general, whether wild or domesticated
DOG FOOD, noun. Food for domesticated dogs.
DOG FOOD, noun. (computing) Beta software that is tested on the developer’s own computer.
DOG FUR, noun. Fur which is currently, or was once, growing out of the body of a dog.
DOG GUIDE, noun. Alternative term for guide dog
DOG HOOK, noun. A tool used to manipulate logs, a peavy.
DOG HOUSE, noun. Alternative spelling of doghouse
DOG HOUSES, noun. Plural of dog house
DOG IN THE HUNT, noun. Literally, ownership of one of several canines participating in the group pursuit of game or fowl.
DOG IN THE HUNT, noun. (idiomatic) Something to gain depending on the outcome; a position for which to campaign or cheer..
DOG IN THE HUNT, noun. This is often used erroneously to indicate that one has no stake in the outcome. As such this is a bastardization of two Southern idioms: "no dog in the fight," and "that dog won't hunt.” (The latter indicates something is a bad idea or prone to fail.) Use of the phrase "no dog in the hunt" when one wishes to indicate they have no "dog in the fight" will generate funny glances from any Southerners who overhear it.
DOG IN THE MANGER, noun. One who denies others what he cannot use himself.
DOG IT, verb. (idiomatic) To underperform; to lag behind; to fail to exert effort
DOG LATIN, proper noun. Bad, erroneous Latin.
DOG MEAT, noun. Meat from a dog eaten as food in certain cultures.
DOG MEAT, noun. Meat prepared to be given to a dog as food.
DOG MUSHER, noun. A person who looks after sled dogs
DOG MY CATS, interjection. (idiomatic) used as a mild oath, or as an expression of astonishment
DOG OUT, verb. (slang) (AAVE) To mistreat, especially for a pimp or abusive man to mistreat a woman by prostituting her.
DOG PADDLE, noun. A swimming stroke in the style of a dog swimming.
DOG PARK, noun. An enclosed area for domesticated dogs to play, frolic, and socialize with other canines typically without a leash or supervision.
DOG POUND, noun. (US) an animal shelter where stray dogs are kept
DOG POUNDS, noun. Plural of dog pound
DOG ROBBER, noun. (obsolete) (derogatory) A contemptible person, especially one who steals scraps of food.
DOG ROBBER, noun. (obsolete) A menial; a low-level servant.
DOG ROBBER, noun. (military) (slang) An officer's orderly or servant; a factotum; Someone whose job is to run errands for an officer.
DOG ROBBER, noun. (military) (slang) One whose role is to acquire scarce goods, from military equipment to liquor or perfume, often staying barely within the letter of the law.
DOG ROBBERS, noun. Plural of dog robber
DOG ROPE, noun. A few feet of rawhide rope which Cheyenne dog soldiers used to attach themselves to the ground with a picket pin when a last-ditch defence was called for
DOG ROSE, noun. The European wild rose, Rosa canina, having fragrant white or pink flowers and stems with sharp spines.
DOG ROSE, noun. A Rosa canina flower.
DOG ROSES, noun. Plural of dog rose
DOG RUN, noun. A park for dogs to exercise and play off-leash in a controlled environment under the supervision of their owners.
DOG RUNS, noun. Plural of dog run
DOG SALMON, noun. Chum salmon
DOG SCOOTER, noun. A wheeled chair or platform, similar in design to a kickscooter, designed to hold a human who is being pulled by a pack of dogs, similar in purpose to a dogsled, across a path or roadway.
DOG SCOOTERS, noun. Plural of dog scooter
DOG SHIT, noun. (vulgar) fecal matter produced by a dog
DOG SLEEP, noun. A shallow sleep; a pretended sleep. Dogs seem to sleep with "one eye open."
DOG SLOW, adjective. Very slow
DOG SOLDIER, noun. (US) (historical) Any of the members of a Cheyenne Indian military society in the mid 19th century.
DOG STAR, proper noun. (star) A bluish-white star in the constellation Canis Major; Alpha (α) Canis Majoris. A vertex of the Winter Triangle and the brightest star in the night sky. It is actually a binary star with a white dwarf companion star.
DOG TAG, noun. A small metal disk, attached to a dog's collar, containing identification information
DOG TAG, noun. (by extension) The identification tags worn around the neck by military personnel
DOG TAGS, noun. Plural of dog tag
DOG TEETH, noun. Plural of dog tooth
DOG TIRED, adjective. Alternative spelling of dog-tired
DOG TOOTH, noun. (aviation) (informal) A sharp zig-zag pattern on the leading edge of a wing which increases the vorticity over the wing and reduces spanwise flow.
DOG TOOTHS, noun. (rare) plural of dog tooth
DOG WATCH, noun. Alternative form of dogwatch
DOG WATCHES, noun. Plural of dog watch
DOG WHELK, noun. A carnivorous European mollusc, Nucella lapillus, found on rocky coasts.
DOG WHELKS, noun. Plural of dog whelk
DOG WHISTLE, noun. A high-pitched whistle, inaudible to humans, used to train dogs.
DOG WHISTLE, noun. That which is understood only by a narrow demographic.
DOG WHISTLE, noun. (politics) Especially, an allusion or comment made by a politician with the intent that only a certain demographic note it and recognize its significance.
DOG WHISTLE POLITICS, noun. Alternative form of dog-whistle politics
DOG WHISTLES, noun. Plural of dog whistle
DOG YEAR, noun. (informal) A period of time in the life of dogs, defined such that the average life expectancy of a dog in "dog years" is numerically equivalent to the average life expectancy of a human. A 4- and a 5-year-old dog are about as mature as a human of 28 to 30 years and 33 to 35 years, respectively.
DOG YEAR, noun. A unit of age relative to the species being considered, defined such that an animal's age in "dog years" is the equivalent age of a dog in calendar years.
DOG YEARS, noun. Plural of dog year

Dictionary definition

DOG, noun. A member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night".
DOG, noun. A dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman; "she got a reputation as a frump"; "she's a real dog".
DOG, noun. Informal term for a man; "you lucky dog".
DOG, noun. Someone who is morally reprehensible; "you dirty dog".
DOG, noun. A smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll.
DOG, noun. A hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward.
DOG, noun. Metal supports for logs in a fireplace; "the andirons were too hot to touch".
DOG, verb. Go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit".

Wise words

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.