Associations to the word «Husky»


HUSKY, adjective. (of a voice) hoarse and rough-sounding
HUSKY, adjective. (US) burly, stout
HUSKY, adjective. Abounding with husks; consisting of husks.
HUSKY, noun. Any of several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs.
HUSKY, proper noun. (dated) Any of the languages of the Eskimo peoples.
HUSKY, noun. (dated) An Eskimo person.

Dictionary definition

HUSKY, noun. Breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog.
HUSKY, adjective. Muscular and heavily built; "a beefy wrestler"; "had a tall burly frame"; "clothing sizes for husky boys"; "a strapping boy of eighteen"; "`buirdly' is a Scottish term".
HUSKY, adjective. Deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion; "gruff voices"; "the dog's gruff barking"; "hoarse cries"; "makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky"- Virgil Thomson.

Wise words

In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold; Alike fantastic, if too new, or old: Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
Alexander Pope